The revised NZ Curriculum requires students to be aware of societal issues, not only locally and nationally, but on the world stage. At East Otago High School, students are encouraged to consider themselves as members of a much larger community and therefore we welcome international students into our school.
At East Otago High School we celebrate our own bicultural heritage with a focus on Te Reo in our Year 7-10 language classes, our Kapahaka group and other community events.
Currently, we do not have any international students but we are exploring ways to grow our International Department through exchanges with other countries. Students who come to our school are fully submerged into everything to do with New Zealand and will be forced to interact by speaking in English. Some see this as a distinct advantage.
Specialised English language tuition is provided where required, however, a significant part of the student learning programme is accessed through regular classes where they build strong relationships with our own students.
International students at East Otago High are busy people, getting involved in all aspects of the school. We encourage our overseas students to do the same and experience what it is like to live as a ’kiwi’ student. This includes involvement in the sporting and cultural life of the school.
The strength and uniqueness of our international programme exposes students to rural life in New Zealand as well as Urban life in Dunedin 35 minutes away. This helps our students to appreciate and celebrate diversity and prepares them for future possibilities throughout the world.
Stationery Information
Allow $200
Stationery lists can be viewed or downloaded here:
Uniform Information
Uniform can be purchased new or second-hand – allow $500 for boys or $600 for girls for new and $50 – $400 second-hand
Fees and Costs
One Year (40weeks): $12000
One semester (20 weeks): $6000
One term (10 weeks): $3000
Homestay Fee: $250 per week
Administration Fee: One year: $1200
One semester: $1000
One term: $600
Suggested Incidentals Fund
Used to pay for any additional costs. Any remaining funds will be refunded at the end of your course.
One year: $1000
One semester: $600
One term: $500
Other Costs
Entry fees for NCEA Examinations fees tbc-$383.30
School trips – costs vary
Involvement in sports and extra-curricular activities – some have a small fee Some subjects such as Hospitality, BCats have an additional cost for materials
Spending money
Travel to, from, and within New Zealand
International students must have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance while in New Zealand. Insurance can be arranged by the school, or by your agent. Unicare Insurance can be purchased through East Otago High School for approximately $600 per year
Code of Practice
East Otago High School is bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students Years 7 to 13 as published by the New Zealand Ministry of Education. Our Director of international students is Mr. Marcus Cooper.
Mr. Cooper may be contacted at